Research on Development of New Drugs

As microbiome research is actively conducted around the world, the link between various diseases is being identified, and the potential of the microbiome as a new biomarker or pharmabiotics is being raised. Pharmabiotics is a compound word of pharmaceutical and probiotics, meaning the utilization of microbes that can help health for medical purposes with the aim of treating diseases. LBP(Live Biotherapeutic Products) is receiving attention as a new paradigm for disease treatment.

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Probiotics

HEM Pharma, a new drug development research company based on the microbiome, is building a research system from the selection, production, and clinical trial evaluation of candidate microorganisms for treatment. We are building our own new drug pipeline, such as HEMP-002 for LARS (Lower Anterior Resection Syndrome) and HEMP-001 for the treatment of depression, by preemptively discovering candidate microorganisms for pharmabiotics with high potential for development as LBP new drugs.

In addition, we are actively researching and developing drug candidates for the treatment of various diseases such as intestinal disease and mental disease. Pharmabiotics derived from human beings are not simply beneficial to health, but they can treat specific diseases or enhance the effects of drugs, and they can be effectively used for the prevention and treatment of diseases without side effects from chemical drugs, so it will open a new era of disease treatment.

Microbiome Research Area

  • gut microbiome
    • Obesity and diabetes
    • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) & Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)
  • Dermabiotics
    • Skin microbiome
  • Psychobiotics
    • Gut-brain axis
  • Pulmobiotics
    • Lung microbiome
  • Personalized probiotics
  • Pharmabiotics
    • Live Biotherapeutic Product